Work report 2014-07-04
Tomáš Chvátal
2014-07-04 11:45:26 UTC



30.6. - sbrabec sickday

* Jmatejek on vacation
* Pgajdos on vacation
* Vojtech vacation 7.7. - 11.7.

Team overall
L3s and packages as always ;)

Sbrabec recieved and closed ton-a-bugs about translations so this is something
we should start watching closely if we don't spent too much time there.

My tasks
#885003: augeas sec update
#853044: augeas sec update
#885495: augeas desc ambiguous
#883723: ibs-dump not displaying groups - WIP: seems api is lacking waiting
for obs team to confirm

* cmake: provide manpages: WIP
* fixing mess in ant created by contributors
* checking the php update/mails pgajdos did before he went on vacation
* handling sbrabecs sickness on last day of month
* Reading CVs recieved from the open position - Asked HR to ask wether the
some of the guys really wants to relocate
* HMM: action items done (sliightly late)
* RAW ibs-dump disappeared from my nfs home so stats were not generated,
recreated the folder and verified it works

Plans for next week/month
* Rejection statistics: pending on mcihar: have to ask him when I see him
what is the status
* Hiring interview goals/etc preparation
* L3s
* HMM trainings
* Decide how interviews will be done
